At first Yoga was for me (and I think it was for many people when the started Yoga) a good workout. I
started 2013 Bikram Yoga to lose weight and to exercise. I had great fun practicing it and the feeling
after a yoga class was great. So I started watching different Yoga videos at home, but I never really
understood the purpose of yoga. That’s why I did it on and off but always just very lazy. In my head it
was like that: „Okay I’m doing this for one hour and than it’s finished“. I never understood the concept
of breathing. Since 2 years now I’m practicing Yoga daily and this has really chanced my LIFE. I met my
teacher Kerstin she said you have try Ashtanga Yoga, I’m sure you will like it. Then I went to Thailand
did a 14 day’s Ashtanga Yoga Retreat there and I enjoyed it so much and from this day on it was sure: I
can’t live without it. One year later I did my 200 hours Yoga teacher training with the focus on
Ashtanga Vinyasa in Bali. This was such an incredible experience, I fell in LOVE with teaching yoga. Now
I can share this feeling with others and inspire them. Sharing this with other people for me is the best
feeling in the world.